Testimonies on the Défi sportif AlterGo
“Défi sportif AlterGo has completely changed my level of self-confidence. Seeing other kids thrive and accept their differences has inspired me and increased my self-confidence. My accomplishments during the event made me very proud and very happy and keep pushing me to excel not only in my sport, but also in my everyday life. Thank you Défi sportif AlterGo”.
— Raphaëlle Tousignant, parahockey athlete, Development Team Canada

“From the very beginning of the year, the children start asking us when Défi sportif AlterGo will take place. Their experience at this event greatly enhances their self-esteem. Practising a sport develops their social skills and confidence, they are more enthusiastic, and they smile more.”
— Liette Marcil, teacher at Victor-Doré.
“As a parent, I am happy and proud that my daughter can participate in this event. The children prepare all year for this event in the hopes of winning a medal. It is very important in the lives of our youth.”
— Anick Larose, mother of Marie who has Down’s syndrome, and Executive Director of the Association du Québec pour l’intégration sociale
“In their respective schools, these children are used to having a harder time or being the least successful in physical education classes. By participating in Défi sportif AlterGo, they are encouraged to practice a sport and they are motivated. This allows them to develop a passion and then encourages them to do activities in their community.”
— Isabelle Marcoux, physiotherapist at Marie Enfant Rehabilitation Centre.
“We are proud that our daughter is the first Quebecer to be part of the Canadian men’s parahockey development team. We are thrilled that Défi sportif AlterGo recognizes our daughter’s talent and that of all athletes with functional limitations.”
— Valérie Robitaille, mother of Raphaëlle Tousignant.
“I met Chantal Petitclerc during Défi sportif AlterGo and that made quite an impression on me. For me, this event is an opportunity to learn a lot about adapted sport.”
— Élodie Tessier, wheelchair basketball athlete.

“I attended my son Justin’s very first Défi sportif AlterGo in 2019. It was the very first time I experienced that event! It is so wonderful what Défi sportif AlterGo does for young people. We were really moved to see our son with that big smile!”
— Richard Arsenault, father of a school division athlete.